
nouveau and nvidia in -current

nouveau and nvidia in -current

Translations: FR, ES
With the kernel 2.6.33, we enabled nouveau kernel module. For those who have problem using it or want to use nvidia, you may be unhappy to see that nvidia doesn’t work any more. There are 2 ways to make it working again: Add nouveau to your /etc/sysconfig/blacklist file (seems to be the simplest and more secure way) Or happen the following kernel options in your grub configuration: nouveau.modeset=0 Then make a happy reboot.
Pacman-g2 upgrade

Pacman-g2 upgrade

Translations: FR, ES
Pacman-g2 was upgraded to version 3.8.3 bringing some nice features. Frugalware current users must do pacman -Sy pacman-g2 before upgrading their system (pacman -Syu). As you can see, the frugalware-current database must be synchronized again after pacman-g2 upgrade.