Frugalware 0.3pre1-i686 disponible

El Equipo de Desarrolladore de Frugalware tiene el placer de anunciar la disponiblidad de Frugalware 0.3pre1-i686, the first preview of the upcoming 0.3-i686 stable release.

A short list of most important improvements and news since 0.2:* Improvements:

+ Added a new tool: repoman. It helps you to compile packages from source, allowing to automatically create and install closed-source packages like realplayer or skype (repoman merge packagename). Also it allows you to download all package's buildscript (repoman update) and recompile them with your compiler flags, "a la Gentoo".
+ Our build system now supports more than one architecture which means you can expect an x86\_64 preview release soon.
+ All packages got their group, so that if you installed only a base system, you can install all network-related packages with pacman -S network and so.
+ Created a new config tool: wificonfig, to configure your wireless connection.
+ The KDE menu changed a bit: now most installed non-kde applications should apper in the menu, too.
+ Localized Thunderbird and added localized spellcheck support.
+ The gimp-print printer drivers replaced with the foomatic ones, wich means we support much more printers now.
+ Packaged the rox desktop environment.
+ New web [interface]( for viewing informations about packages.
+ Now all package has it's own changelog, which can be viewed from for example the packages page.
  • Package highlights: More than 150 new packages: windowmaker applets, firestarter, pure-ftpd, subversion and more.

  • Updates: As usual, Frugalware cames with the latest version of upstream stable releases, including:

    • Linux kernel 2.6.12
    • GCC 3.4.4
    • KDE 3.4.1

Por favor, leed el ChangeLog for more information.

Download: netinstall (16M), cd1 (506M), cd2 (692M), dvd (2.4G)


7e62e1aeb2a32f29edf26670f268bd63 frugalware-0.3pre1-i686-cd1.iso

6ba2f51262fd81850a03c8c9603823af frugalware-0.3pre1-i686-cd2.iso

284386e5fcf062c4b71f9a72cd8f138f frugalware-0.3pre1-i686-dvd.iso

5066616ee44c8489b14a573cbaeba95b frugalware-0.3pre1-i686-net.iso